Dairyland Pulling Promoters



We like to write about this sport and bring life to the details of the sport that lay behind the scenes. There is so many good people, events and moments that often don’t get the coverage they deserve and that is where our new “DPP Articles” section will come into play. Its not always fact, its not always a popular opinion. But what these articles will have is lots of insight from people all over that know the sport and care about growing it. To keep things simple, we want to share stories as we travel the state and take in all the best pulling Wisconsin has to offer. Hope you pick an article or two, read it through and enjoy it. You are always welcome to leave some feedback in the comments.

Open Pits Equals Happy Fans

County Fair Pulling Season in Full Swing

Cloudy with a Chance for a Canceled Pull

Showdown in Curdtown Hits Home Run


"You didn't ask for the news but we delivered it anyways!"